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Further Immigration Updates and Fact Sheet

Recently released documents from the Biden administration details the extensive changes to our immigration system. Many classes of non-citizens will be eligible for relief upon the proposed bill's passage. If you are a part of the following groups, make sure to follow our page and call the office to schedule a consultation:

  • DACA recipients, TPS recipients and certain seasonal farmworkers will be eligible for green cards immediately.

  • Undocumented non-citizens will be eligible for Temporary Legal Status immediately. Applicants are required to pass a criminal background check, national security checks, and pay taxes

  • Undocumented non-citizens with a criminal background may also be eligible. As of now, it is not known what criminal convictions will be waived. Please follow this page for updates.

  • Noncitizens with asylum claims will be eligible to apply even if they have resided in the U.S. for over 1 year. If you think you have a valid asylum claim, call the office to set up a consultation.

  • Immigrants who face illegal labor conditions are eligible to apply for U-Visas. Illegal conditions can include excessive hours, illegal wage garnishment, payment below the legal level, or hazardous or unsafe working conditions.

  • Immigrants with approved family-sponsorship petitions will be able to join family in the United States on a temporary basis while they wait for green cards to become available.

  • Immigrants who are subject to a 3 or 10 year ban due to unlawful presence may be eligible for new forms of relief, as the bill eliminates this bar to admission.

Call our office to be placed on a waitlist for a consultation once the new legislation is passed. Follow our page and website for continued updates.


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